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The future can be read in the intelligence artificielle

SKY world news /technologie/The future can be read in the intelligence artificielle / picking up field information normally invisible to military analysts, a combination of AI, cloud computing, and sensors could give the Pentagon the ability to predict upcoming events, days in advance.

Janus point: Conception of time

Sky world News / According to a British physicist, time flows in two distinct directions Since we are born we have learned and understood that time only flows in one direction, forward, towards destruction or towards death.

Time travel machine: Strange and funny mistake

Sky world News / China is, as we know, fond of science fiction; the country is advancing seven leagues on the road to global technological domination and its central power is, it is no secret, very focused on censorship, control and manipulation of information.

Water has a memory

Sky world news /Scientists from Germany now believe that water has a memory, meaning that what once was seen as a simple commodity has now been closely examined to reveal a scientific revelation, uncovering a mind-blowing truth.

Dr M. Abdel-zahir: A new concept for the media revolution

Sky world news/


Academic and pioneer of artificial intelligence journalism, Dr.Muhammad Abdel-Zahir, announced his adoption of a new concept for the media revolution with the Fifth Industrial Revolution, which he called the 7th Generation Journalism (7G Journalism) Dr. Abdel-Zahir emphasized that this new type of media comes later after the press of artificial intelligence, in light of the emergence of the harbingers of the Fifth Industrial Revolution, which is expected to be the beginning of the fourth decade (2040).

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