A bad situation of Tunisian public finance situation

Sky world news /Tunisia /Bad news continues in Tunisia.
Between political deadlock and health crisis, Tunisia has never known such a situation.
Lately, it was the Court of Auditors which announced another bad news on the situation of public finances.
In its latest report on the control of public programs, sectoral activities, and public services and enterprises, the Court of Auditors announces that it has detected that 10 billion dinars of tax debts remain unpaid.
These debts are spread over several legal and natural persons, announces the Court of Auditors which calls on the Assembly of the Representatives of the People to hear the government on the fate of these tax debts.
The report also states that between 1980 and 2009, the amount of tax debts amounted to 1.8 billion dinars, which represents 17.56% of total debts.
On the other hand, between 2010 and 2016, the debt amounted to 6.1 billion dinars or 57.
10% of all debts not recovered until August 31, 2019.